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Merging Teams

It is important to note that when two or more schools combine/merge to form a team, that if both schools currently have a schedule, they must determine which schedule they are going to follow on the merge. Once the schedule to be used is decided, the school with the schedule that is not going to be used, needs to delete that schedule before the merger takes place. EACH or ALL schools involved in the combination complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the team schedule for the team you wish to merge.
  2. Click on the Actions icon above the team schedule and to the right
  3. Click on General Information from the dropdown menu
  4. If you have a name for the merged team, enter it in the Name box
  5. Under Merged Team Configurations, click on Expand Configurations. Then click on +Add New Merge Team
  6. Start typing in the name of the school you are merging with and when it appears, click on it to enter it in the box, then choose the level of the team you are merging with in the box below that. If you have a third or fourth school you are merging with, repeat that process by clicking on +Add New Merge Team again and add the other school(s).
  7. When finished, click on submit in the lower left-hand corner and your teams are merged.

It is also important to note that this only applies to games. It will not merge practices from one school to another. Practices, if desired to be on the schedule, will have to be entered independently by each school. It would also be good practice after you have completed the process to contact the other school you have merged with and make sure they have completed the same process. The merged team is not fully functional until both schools have completed the process. 

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