Types of Accounts
There are different types of accounts within Aktivate Scheduling. Each with certain permissions. See the following information for each role within the system.
1. Athletic Director: This is a full access account. Athletic Directors can schedule games, manage facilities, create new users (EXCEPT FOR ATHLETIC DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS - contact Aktivate scheduling to create a new athletic director account)
2. Coach: Can manage team rosters, edit transportation details for the specific team they coach, and can be granted with more permissions as needed (set scores, create practices, edit roster settings, manage recurring events).
3. Trainer: Allowed to manage injuries exclusively.
4. Events Manager: Has the ability to schedule events, manage facilities, and create reports under the athletic reports feature.
5. Transportation Manager: Allows individual to enter transportation scheduling details.
6. Certification Manager: Limited to managing certifications only.
7. Reports Manager: Can create various reports using the report building feature.